Equipping the Future: Why Enterprise Education Belongs in Cransley School

The world of work is evolving rapidly, demanding a generation equipped not just with academic knowledge, but also with adaptability, innovation, and a spirit of enterprise. 

This is where the delivery of enterprise education into Cransley School becomes crucial.

Beyond the Textbook: Building Essential Skills

Enterprise education goes beyond simply teaching business GCSE. It equips students with a broad spectrum of transferable skills applicable to any career path. This includes:

  • Problem-solving: Identifying challenges, analysing solutions, and taking calculated risks to overcome them.

  • Communication and teamwork: Collaborating effectively, expressing ideas with clarity, and adapting to diverse personalities and work styles.

  • Creativity and Innovation: Thinking outside the box, generating new ideas, and taking initiative to implement them.

  • Financial literacy: Understanding financial concepts, budgeting effectively, and making informed financial decisions.

These skills are highly sought-after by employers across various sectors. By fostering an enterprising mindset from a young age, we prepare students to be adaptable and resilient in their future careers, regardless of the specific job they choose.

The problem with the National Curriculum

Businesses across the country have long campaigned that the current generation of pupils are fit for exams, but not the workplace.  They lack the necessary determination, optimism and emotional intelligence.

Part of this is the national curriculum and an exam system which focuses on the accountability of the child and school, rather than the needs of the future employee or business starter. 

Independent Schools such as Cransley need to recognise this, and be better.

More Than Just Starting a Business

It's important to clarify that enterprise education isn't solely about getting a good grade in Business Studies GCSE, or even nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs.  While fostering an entrepreneurial spirit is valuable, the true aim is to develop independent, resourceful individuals equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

These skills are equally relevant for those pursuing traditional careers, as they empower individuals to take initiative, contribute effectively in their workplaces, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Making it Happen at Cransley: Integrating Enterprise into the Curriculum

Integrating enterprise education into the existing curriculum is achieved in various exciting and engaging ways, such as:

  • Project-based learning: Encouraging students to work collaboratively on projects that involve identifying a problem, developing solutions, and presenting their findings. Think! F1 in Schools.

  • School enterprise initiatives: Setting up student-run enterprises, allowing them to experience the process of developing a product or service, marketing it, and managing finances. Think! prefects running Hot Chocolate stand.

  • Collaboration with local businesses: Inviting entrepreneurs and business professionals to share their experiences and expertise with students. Think! parents agreeing to come into assemblies and sharing their experiences.

By embedding enterprise education within the Cransley learning environment, we prepare students not just for exams, but for the dynamic and challenging future that awaits them.

The UK has a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, and fostering it from the Cransley classroom upwards will equip the next generation to not only thrive but actively shape the future of the country's economy and society.

Mrs J Cosgrove

Assistant Headteacher, Business Studies teacher, Careers Mentor and more