Cransley School

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Junior School Pupil Parent Bulletin 7.6.24

What a busy first week back it has been… A definite indicator of how action-packed this final half term is for all involved. While the GCSEs continue up in the Senior School, our focus is on making the most of every moment in class and relishing these final weeks in our current year groups before transition.

Speaking of which, families should have received my communication outlining the staffing structure for next academic year, check your inbox for more information.

Mr Morris

Bird Box Bonanza

Year 2 & 3 designed and created eco-friendly bird houses this week. They collaborated to investigate the best possible design features based on natural habitats and used a range of environmentally-friendly materials to realise their ideas. Mrs Weightman & Mrs Hanson

Year 2 & 3 with their eco-friendly bird houses

Rosie from the Education Library Service was fantastic at helping our pupils broaden their literary palate.

Time for Tea

Invitations, menus and decorations are all ready for Reception’s ‘Flower Cafe’ on Friday. Special invitations have been written and delivered to parents, grandparents, Mr Pollock and Mr Morris. We can’t wait to be waiters and waitresses and serve you scrumptious scones.

Mrs Gallanders

Y6 Friday FUNdraiser

After the poor weather and ultimately postponement from May, it was brilliant to finally be able to run our Junior School FUNdraiser. Y6 worked very hard planning a range of different enjoyable activities; from beat the goalie to RC racing, soak the student to balance the lemon! Then on top of all that, the sun came out too and the whole Junior school was able to come outside and revel in the fairground style treats. Plenty of prizes were won and enjoyment was had. Thank you to everyone who contributed. The money will be split between our charity Aldey Hey, and a contribution to the Y6 end of year camp out. A HUGE thank you to you all for your support!

Mr Armstrong & Miss Lloyd

All years LOVED the variety of games and challenges Year 6 had devised for them to play.

Dates for the Diary:

  • 20.6.24 - School Sports Day - 9.30am start for Juniors followed by BYO picnic then 1pm Seniors start

  • 21.6.24 - Substitute Sports day 

  • 26.6.24 - Foundation Afternoon Tea - more details to follow

  • 27-28.6.24 - Year 6 School Camp Out

  • 28.6.24 - Year 4 Violin Performance 3:30pm-4:00pm

  • 29.6.24 - Foundation Summer Ball

  • 3.7.24 - Prize Giving Ceremony - Juniors: 2pm start - full school uniform essential, all parents invited. Seniors: 6.30pm start

  • 4.7.24 - Year 6 Moving Up Assembly & Celebration - 10.30am - Year 6 Parents invited

  • 4.7.24 - End of Summer Term - 12pm - (After School Care runs until 2pm today)

Special Mentions

Reception: Our special mention goes to someone who has come back to school with a great knowledge and understanding of the world around her. She has recognised Russia wasn’t in the Eurovision and began to question and extend her knowledge further to understand the reasons for this. This showcased how important it is to recognise and be aware of what is happening in the world around us. Well done Emily!  

Year 1: This week our special mention goes to someone who has come back to school with lots of enthusiasm to make the most of their final few weeks in Year 1. I’ve been especially proud of how well they have been listening on the carpet, contributing to our discussions and completing their work independently. I’m very excited to see what else they can achieve before they reach Year 2! Well done to Freddie!

Year 2+3: My special mention this week goes to a learner who has worked collaboratively with other pupils in the class, in groups and in pairs, displaying a real maturity. She has shown that she has been able to share her own ideas and most importantly listened and responded to other children’s ideas. Well done Harper - you should feel very proud!

Year 4: There are two special mentions in Year 4 this week, who displayed all three of our Cransley values within their actions this week. Our budding librarians ventured beyond on Monday by supporting Mr Morris and the Education Library Service team in delivering brand new books to every class in the Junior School. Not only that, one of these superstars showed a fantastic example of seeking excellence by bravely waving goodbye to her crutches and taking some intrepid first steps of independence, both literally and in her learning! Our other superstar has nurtured relationships across classes with her kindness to others on the playground and in our PSHE lessons. Well done, Clara and Emelie!

Year 5: My special mention this week goes to someone who has impressed me with their resilience and determination to improve. This person has moved house and currently has no internet. They insisted that they find a different way to log reads, practise their spelling and smash their times tables. This person has also worked very carefully during our maths revision this week. They have carefully read the question, figured out what it asks them to do and applied their skills. I hope that they can see how far they have come, they have a lot to be proud of. Keep smashing it Fred! 

Year 6S: I have been so impressed with the determination that this pupil has shown over the last couple of weeks. Her resilience has developed immensely and she is showing a mature attitude to her learning ready for Year 7. For example, this week, after missing some of her English work to attend a drumming lesson, she came back into class asking what she needed to do to catch up - a pleasing reflection of her progressing attitude to learning. Well done, Ava W, I am so proud of you!

Year 6C:  This week my special mention goes to someone who has come back after half term really determined to give it their all for these final few weeks. Despite the temptation to take her foot off the gas, she has instead got her head down and is really pushing herself to develop and consolidate different aspects of her learning. I have been pleased with her positive attitude and engagement with regard to all the different activities we’ve got coming up soon in Year 6, showing she is embracing new opportunities. Keep being an example of our school values and this will take you a long way… Sasha.